
Khalil M.I., B. Osborne and A. Wingler. 2024. Towards net zero emissions without compromising agricultural sustainability: what is achievable? Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. Editorial, In Press.

Meneses, F.; Montenegro, N.; Schapheer, C.; Perez-Quezada, J.F. Historical Changes in Agricultural Systems and the Current Greenhouse
Gas Emissions in Southern Chile. Agronomy 2023, 13, 240.  Full paper available (Open access). 

Khalil M.I. and B. Osborne. 2022. Developing climate‑resilient agri‑environmental production systems (Editorial, SI: ISCRAES 2020). Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst.  Read more



Khalil, M.I., B. Sen, M. Siddique, B. Osborne, P. O’Brien and R. Collier. 2024. HOLOS-IE: Bridging Gaps for Sustainable Agriculture and Carbon Netrality. Paper to be presented the 3rd International Symposium on Climate-Resilient in Agri-Environmental Systems to be held UCC, Dublin from 25-28 June 2024.

Khalil M.I., B. Sen, M. Siddique, A. McPherson, R. Kröbel, B. Osborne, P. O’Brien, and R. Collier. 2024. Unveiling HOLOS-IE: A Cutting-Edge Tool for Predicting Carbon-to-Environmental Footprints and Enabling Sustainable Agricultural System Management. Paper presented at the 9th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter held from 26-31 May 2024 at UM6P, Benguerrir, Morocco. 

Siddique, M., R. Collier, B. Sen, S. Pogue, A. McPherson, R. Kröbel, B. Osborne, C. Farrelly, and M.I. Khalil. 2024. Creating an Agroforestry Module on the HOLOS-IE Digital Platform for Assessing Carbon-Neutral Agricultural Farming.  Paper presented at the Environ 2024 held in South East Technological University (Waterford Campus) from March 25- 27 March 27th 2024.

Khalil M.I., B.A. Osborne, et al. 2023. Using Whole Farm Modelling to Inform Land Use Planning for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Offsetting. Paper presented at AGMIP9: Modelling the Future of Food held from 26-30 June 2023 at Columbia University, NY, USA. Read more

Walkiewicz, A., A. Rafalska, A. Kubaczyński  and Osborne B. 2023. Potential of biochar and crop residues for enhancing CH4 uptake in fertilized soils. Paper presented at the NCGG9 held from June 21-23, 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Read more

Khalil M.I. and B.A. Osborne. 2022. Whole farm modelling for quantification of greenhouse gases and mitigation-related land use planning decisions. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Climate-Resilent Agri-Environmental Systems (ISCRAES) held from 28-31 August 2022 in Dublin, Ireland. p57. Read more

Osborne, O., M.I. Khalil, et al. 2022. Back to the Future: Reintegrating Land and Livestock for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Circularity. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Climate-Resilent Agri-Environmental Systems (ISCRAES) held from 28-31 August 2022 in Dublin, Ireland. p57. Read more

Walkiewicz, A., Bulak P., Khalil MI, Kruijt B., Gottschalk P., Klumpp K. and Osborne B. 2022, Variability in soil CO2 fluxes across a range of forest types and edaphic conditions, EGU General Assembly, 19-30.04.2021, EGU21-2530; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2530. Read more

Rafalska A., Kubaczyński A. and Walkiewicz A. Methane (CH4) emission and uptake of by grassland soils under flood and drought conditions. 12.05.2022 r. IV National Scientific Conference “Environmental protection – solutions and perspectives” (online; in Polish; poster). Read more

Pytlak A., Walkiewicz A. and Kubaczyński A., Szafranek-Nakonieczna A. Methanotrophy in agroecosystems – the influence of agricultural practices on the composition of soil microbiome. VI National Microbiological Symposium “Metagenomes of various environments”, 23-24.06.2022 Puławy, Poland (in Polish, poster). Read more

Rafalska A., Kubaczyński A. and Walkiewicz A. How can biochar affect greenhouse gas fluxes in agricultural soils? 5th International Conference Environmental Engineering and Design. 13-14.10.2022, Poland (online; poster). Read more

Rafalska A., Kubaczyński A. and Walkiewicz A. Factors increasing and decreasing CH4 oxidation in agriculturally managed soils. 6th National Scientific Conference ‘Life sciences for humans and the environment’, 21.10.2022 (online; in Polish; presentation). Read more

Tony van der Weerden, Robyn Dynes and Alasdair Noble. 2022. Back to the Future: Reintegrating Land and Livestock for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Circularity. Presented to the New Zealand funders (MPI = Ministry for Primary Industries) in August 2022. Read more

Vivas M., Rolo V. and Moreno G. 2022. Livestock and agriculture integration to mitigate GHGs emissions and promote circularity in the dehesa . IV Congreso Ibérico de la Dehesa y Montado, 15-16th June 2022, Badajoz (Spain). Read more

Scientific Reports

  1. Scientific report on the First ReLive workshop held through sponsoring ISCRAES 2022 ( in Dublin on 31 August 2022. Click here



ReLive – working together for circular agriculture.


Videos of ReLive sponsored workshop held within ISCRAES 2022  ( held on 31 August 2022 are now available to watch:

Facilitators: ReLive Project  and ISCRAES 2022 Teams